BDS has confirmed a new mapping feature has now been added to its extremely successful online planning portal that helps companies, via planning application information, remain at the forefront of change within the construction and waste industries. The mapping option, added to the BDS Online Planning Portal in 2024, is helping to strengthen the existing offering that includes features such as searching, filtering and tracking of applications, and monthly reports.
Daily, BDS gather planning information from across Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and identify and report on planning applications within the following industry sectors:
- Minerals, Asphalt Plants & Related Schemes
- Concrete, Cementitious & Mortar Schemes
- Waste Management Schemes
- Onshore Renewal Energy Schemes
- Retail – Food Stores / Non Food Stores
- Leisure Facilities – Sports Pitches / MUGA Facilities / Golf Courses & Related Activities / Swimming Pools
- Land Protection
- House Builders
- Bespoke (specific areas not covered within the above sectors).
In 2024 BDS can now offer a BDS planning portal annual subscription that includes a three-tier approach, Search, Report and Mapping:
- Search – 365-day access to identify applications via keywords, dates, companies, regions and application status.
- Report – 12 monthly reports that detail planning application changes, including new applications and decisions from within the last 30 days.
- Mapping – the pin pointing of any live planning application on a map of Great Britain.
Existing subscribers to the BDS planning service include companies who are interested in industry changes or competitor activity, suppliers of equipment, products and services and clients who are seeking new sales leads.
If you are interested in obtaining planning information to support your business, wish to expand your existing subscription to include the new mapping feature or additional planning sectors please email contact@bdsmarketing.co.uk or visit the BDS website for more information.